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What can IRM do for you?

The last ten years mediation has proven its effectiveness in many countries. The popularity increased over the years in many countries. It started in the United States and the United Kingdom, but soon found its way to the rest of Europe, and now all over the world. But the increasing number of mediators all around the world makes it more difficult to recognize the level and the quality of the mediator. So with the growth of the profession also the topic of more standardized education and qualification became important.

The IRM is the international register where people with a master degree in mediation can register. This is the highest level of certification and will give you the right to add “IRM” (international registered master in mediation) to your name . Also the register hosts all other levels of mediators. The register is an independent body with a board of international top mediators.

What can you expect from an IRM Mediator?

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Look for a qualified Mediator in your country

If you are in need of a Mediator please visit the register to locate an IRM qualified Mediator. You can use the register per country button to easily select your country and see all IRM qualified Mediators.


Visit the register per country